Jane, unlike us, started off not wif colouring pencils but oil pastels...wowwwww...her imagination and art are great. A bit abstract wif a blend of reality eventhough ppl dun use rubbish bins as hats.
In the picture above, she learned perspective. Hence, produced a very creative picture on how ppl view us or anybody else differently depending on their nature. Still, using the oil pastels.
The next picture shows the depth and the immense development of her views of persspective. She was still able to blend in her imagination!! I dun reli understand this picture. Is it a person in an egg floating on the clouds in the sky above the sea during a sunny day looking out the window or jus a painting on an easter egg or is it the view thru the telescopic lens or is it a view of another person looking out from another floating egg? But this time she used canvas from her paintings which is a massive improvement over normal sketch book and paper.
Sakuras or cherry blossoms gives a very peaceful image. In this particular picture, she mastered the art of mouse and keyboard imaging using a computer. A bit rough but she's getting thr already. All I know when I first used the computer to draw was basic shapes. Fantastic. I think there is too little sakuras on it because normally sakuras bloom abundantly not a few here and there. Either way, great start.
Here comes my personal favourite. This picture is done by her and her fren. She drew the boat, took a pic of the boat, took another separate pic of the crayon and pencil and her fren puts them all together. The result? A masterpiece. LOL. It is great. She is now a professional. Her hardwork on mastering arts from the basic was reli worth the time and effort she had put it. She puts all her skills into a piece of art. She and her fren are fantastic art partners. LOL.
Last but not least, a big thank you to my cousin and her fren for providing me these pictures to blog with. Anyway, this is her...TA DAH!!!!!!
its jus for fun to annoy my cousin. LOL!!!
i feel bad for your cousin
hahaha...she's alright wif it...i hope...
i'm bored
Hi... guess who am i... haha(hint:D_ _ _y) this too easy for you...haha nice blog though...
hey d_ _ _ y, i know who u r...and u r being WULIAO!!!!!!!!!!! tell e_ _c to post comment here oso...HAHAHAHA!!!!!
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