Thursday, 24 December 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

Its that time of the year again where u’ll see people rushing out for last minute gift shopping, decorating and laughing. We had heavy snow this week and last week which was surprising. It never snowed this early before so I suppose we’ll have a white Xmas!!!


A lot of fun during and after the snow. Its freezing rite now here in Sunderland. I also still have lots of assignments to finish up so its not all fun, fun, fun for me. LOL. I’m going to my friends place tonite for Xmas. So…MERRY CHRISTMAS and GOD BLESS !!!!!!


Monday, 7 December 2009

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Travis Pastrana with his Shoe-Bike

In order to obtain better understanding of a shoe-bike, watch the video below.

Cool eh?! I feel sorry for the shoes though. HeHe...

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

StratOS Enterprise!!!

I wanted to bring this up again as the post is pretty far behind already. There are lots of updates about his store. His store is now ONLINE!!! click image to go there.

Here is the old post from before where i frequently updated it.

Click here.

Manu Ginobili Slaps Bat

and we're still having trouble slapping mosquitoes...........

Ken BLock Snow Cat


Thursday, 8 October 2009

The Long Lost Me!!!

I haven't been updating my blog frequently lately. I was quite bz with some stuff (lazy being a main reason). Now i'm going to update all of u reading my blog with the latest developments these few months.

lighter flame

Lets see...I Haven't Started Smoking, my cousins and frens have just arrived in small ol' Sunderland for their uni studies, showed them around, brought them to Newcastle, one of my cousins and 2 of her frens are my new housemates, i'm continuing into a MSc. (yay! whatever...), my bibi is back from summer holidays (YAY!!!!!!!!!! MISSED HER!!!!!!!! MUACKSSSSSSSS!!!), i sold my htc touch pro, got a crappy old motorola, sorting out my course registration, haven't sorted my visa application yet, screwed up my bibi's DSi, working as a private part-time htc software advisor for Mr. David Yeo for his Topaz voluntarily (i'm such a good man), made a deep cut into my finger while chopping ginger, old housemates moved out (missed them...well, its not like their at home when they're here, had lots of fun wif new housemates, glad my bibi is getting along wif them very well, recently one of them is named queen (for unfortunate reasons), summer is ending (sigh...), autumn is here (shit, rain!), winter is coming (BIG SIGH!!!!!!!!), trying very hard to unsuccessfully lose weight (hope miracles happen) and i think tats bout it...i'll update if i forgot anything...hehe.


as you can see, its been fun, fun, fun but 2 weeks into MSc. and its not all fun fun fun, its tired tired tired with the usual sleeping in class, presentations, homeworks, self study etc. oh well, tats a student's life. it is now 2am and i'm going to bed...i'll leave a picture for all of you.


Thursday, 13 August 2009

Perseids Meteor Shower!!!

Alright, here goes. I SAW ONE!!! I SAW ONE!!! The first meteor in my life!!! and i took a picture of it!!! damn i’m excited. Standing out there in the cold weather for 2 hours pays off. Its not a big one. I wonder if I get the chance again later tonight. Hopefully it will be clear skies again tonight unlike the thick clouds you can see in my picture. Hmmmm..anybody else got any pictures?


Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Sunderland 21st Airshow 2009

My housemate, John and I went to Seaburn to watch the airshow which was quite a hit recently since more and more people are watching it every year. So I thought it would be worth to watch waiting and walking there. The night before we checked the weather which was fine and sunny. The next morning we took a metro to Seaburn and walk towards the beach (following the crowd to be exact) where it was held.

As expected, huge crowds turned up on the metro and the beach. I have never seen the beach crowded with so many people. There was a lot of booths on display which almost all of them belonged to the RAF (Royal Air Force). I think they are desperate in recruit people as they are advertising everywhere you can think of. They had the Red Arrows plane (fake), Harrier Jumpjet (fake) and a Chinook CH-47 helicopter (real) on display. They also showed the cannons and missles used on their jet fighters. There is food stands everywhere mainly selling what Britons loves most (potato chips). They had 4 flying simulators on where you step in for free. Next is a video of the Red Arrows in action.

They did have a F16 fighter in action but we didn’t have enough time to shoot a video of it. It was extremely quick and loud. They borrowed it from Netherlands though..hehe. Then they had a demonstrations with the Spitfires and some other planes seen in Pearl Harbour (the movie).

I recently stumbled on this piece of video (an F/A-18 Hornet) as part of the festivities for the American Power Boat Association Gold Cup. See video below.

And another video showing it doing a Sonic Boom!!!

Maybe the Sunderland Airshow 2010 should have a show likes this..hehe.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Mozilla Firefox

Just recently, the Mozilla team celebrated the one billionth download of their best software ever, Firefox. Below is a quote from Download Squad:

‘Now, reaching one billion downloads is certainly nothing to shake a stick at! I did a quick news scan for "billion downloads," and only managed to turn up articles on Firefox (of course) and Apple's App Store, which has a total download count of over a billion and a half; however, this count is split up over the tens of thousands of applications served by the store.’

Two days ago, I discovered the cause of my Firefox being unable to access Facebook properly. It was mainly due to one of my extensions/add-ons! Which unfortunately turn out to be my Skype extensions as its rather handy for carrying out quick calls.

Now I’m proud to be a part of the billionth downloads by Firefox. Are you??


p.s. Something exciting should appear on the site above (click on the picture) on Monday! Watch out!

Saturday, 18 July 2009

It feels GOOD!!!

Above you can find my pictures from my summer in Sibu and Sarikei. No, neither of them are my hometown nor where i was raised but it is where i spent my school and chinese new year holidays when i was a child with my family. It was only a short trip of 4 days and 3 nights but it was a ‘all-in-one’ holiday…i even got to ride an express!! i believe the last time i rode was when i was 11 or 12 yrs old…i think. i get to see my cousin whom i haven’t seen in 10 yrs or more…eat and drink everything i can think of…except for ONE…just tat ONE stupid glass bottled drink i forgot to drink…sigh…its only found in sibu, bintangor and sarikei traditionally…so…tats tat…let bygones be bygones i suppose…god damnnit!! i’ll get u next time stupid drink!

Any way, enjoy the pics…i shud hav taken more but theres always next time…sorry for random pics…i was bored, can’t help it…LOL.

Saturday, 16 May 2009

EPL 2009 Champions Interview

one word...HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comedians and footballers really do mix...LOL!!!!!

note: looks like the video has been removed...maybe due to copyright breach...oh well, there maybe other sources.

GLORY glory MAN UTD!!!!!!!

MAN UTD FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GLORY GLORY MAN UTD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11th Premier League title...18 times Champions of England!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, shut ur f**king mouth up, Rafa of liver-POO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Watermelons...I <3 !!!!!!

I love watermelons...juicy and sweet. well, we normally see round or oval watermelons...we rarely or never seen square watermelons nor pyramid watermelons (not in front of my eyes at least but on the web).

Japanese are the pioneering folks of almost everything i must say including watermelons. The square melons comes from Japan.

And now I present to you Heart-Shaped Watermelons!!!!!!!! (its real, honest!)

Fantastic isn't it?? but i think its a bit too late for valentines though, better luck next year! Anyway, I wonder how its gonna be like inside it...

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Live Messenger 2009 Photo Sharing...STINKS!!!

Have you ever come across when you want to send pictures to your friends, family or colleagues, the photo just appears on the chat box instead of being sent when you click and drag it in?

I have...not one...nor twice...but a million times!!!

But, there is a solution!!! YAY!!! There is a patch made by Rafael Rivera of uxtheme which removes this function of Photo Sharing.

Download here

'What this does exactly
This allows you to drag-and-drop images into the Messenger conversation window or copy/paste image files into Messenger without the Photo Sharing feature being triggered. Instead, Messenger will send the images as a normal file transfer. If you still want to use Photo Sharing however, just use the Photo button in the toolbar of the conversation window and the function will work there.'

Want to know more? Read it here.

Nifty patch eh??

Sunday, 10 May 2009

CHANEL N°5 film

As usual, remember to watch in HD. Its worth the wait!!!! Honest!!! Its very beautiful...oh Istanbul...oh so romantic...

Among of all the things in the video, the Leica M8 Special Edition with its lens caught my attention!!! I swear my pupils widened for that few seconds. hehehe...i wish i could afford it...can anyone spare me USD9000???

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Schubert Impromptu

I think i'm getting into classical lately...mainly piano. This piece is played by Valentina Lisitsa. Here's her youtube channel.


Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Taylor Swift meets Coldplay

Only one word to describe it...Beautiful

Remember to click on HD...the video really is clear, very clear and the music is fantastic.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Panasonic Lumix GH1

Everybody with photography or film making interest should know this Micro Four Third (MFT) frenzy by Panasonic and Olympus by now. The only thing different with this MFT is that it not only captures fantastic photos, it also take astonishing HD videos!!! Damn...sources said it would be price with the same price as the Nikon D90 which takes better photos, more lense choices instead of 2 but average HD videos of 720p instead of 1080p. Hmmmm...tough choice.

So it has smaller body than a average DSLR, same quality of pictures (which some don't agree), stereo audio capture (which is better than most DSLR audio), comes bundled with a 14-140mm lense (which is great value) and user friendly menus. Anyway, take a look at the videos it took below.

Panasonic Lumix GH1. First footage from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Kauai sunset: Lumix GH1 slow motion from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Panasonic GH1 photo gallery (some lucky guy got it)
Panasonic GH1 preview

What do you think? Cool vids eh? damn man...i'm not even sure i wanna keep my D60 or not after watch and reading all this. sigh...$$$$

Sunday, 3 May 2009


I missed this song...i haven't heard it for ages...

Click on 'HD'. Its worth waiting and watching it although its not really HD...

Lyrics below.

I thought I saw a man brought to life
He was warm, he came around like he was dignified
He showed me what it was to cry
Well you couldnt be that man I adored
You dont seem to know, dont seem to care what your heart is for
But I dont know him anymore
Theres nothing where he used to lie
My conversation has run dry
Thats whats going on, nothings fine Im torn

Im all out of faith, this is how I feel
Im cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
Im wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
Youre a little late, Im already torn

So I guess the fortune tellers right
Should have seen just what was there and not some holy light
To crawl beneath my veins and now
I dont care, I have no luck, I dont miss it all that much
Theres just so many things that I cant touch, Im torn

Im all out of faith, this is how I feel
Im cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
Im wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
Youre a little late, Im already torn. torn.

Theres nothing where he used to lie
My inspiration has run dry
Thats whats going on, nothings right, Im torn

Im all out of faith, this is how I feel
Im cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
Im wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
Im all out of faith, this is how I feel
Im cold and Im ashamed bound and broken on the floor
Youre a little late, Im already torn

I love Natalie Imbruglia's songs...

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Monday, 27 April 2009

AkiraCEO aka Miao

I was browsing around nuffnang a few days ago and I stumbled across a fantastic blog!!! It hilarious and creative!!! It has very bright matching colours and its a comic blog...its mainly bout a cute cat and two adorable hamsters circulating around the blogger's life. Very entertaining!!! Highly recommended!!! Don't believe me? Go see it for yourself!!! Click the picture above.

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Father and Son...A story...

This is very touching. Makes me think if my dad would do that for me or I would do that for my son. Take some time to see the following message and click to see the video, which is very touching.....

One day, a son asks his dad "Daddy, would you like to run a marathon with me?". The father says "yes".
And they run their first marathon together.

One day, the son asks his father " Daddy, would you run the Ironman with me?"
The Ironman is the most difficult triathlon ever (4 kms swimming, 180 kms bikin, 42 km running?)

And the dad says "yes".
The story looks simple until you watch the following clip. Just amazing, how much can love be....?

I almost cried watching this...You can feel the amount of love and passion his dad have in the sport and most importantly...his son.

Friday, 24 April 2009

Minolta 50mm ROKKOR-X 1:1.4 macro

I've got my new lens today. After spending months of reading and research, I settled with this. Its a Minolta MD ROKKOR-X 50mm 1:1.4 MF only. Before you guys ask any questions about compatibility, I gotta say that this lens ROCKS!!! I got it off eBay for GBP40 shipped from the States. Since its f number is so small...the amount of light it took in is phenomenal. Its a lot heavier than my bog standard 18-55mm Nikon ED lens. Its full metal-built lens feels very solid and tough. I haven't exactly got it to fit on my D60 yet but i took it for a test in 'another' way. I'm still waiting for my adapter though to perfectly fit on my D60.

Since Minolta had experience in making lens that rival Nikon or Canon, I think its a no-brainer to buy this one especially with an 1:1.4 standard. A Nikkor 50mm 1:1.4 would set you back for about GBP220 for the AF version and about GBP330 for the AF-S version. Of course, in photography, what you for is what you get. But the Minolta defies that theory, partly because it quite old and it doesn't have any AF or AF-S function but I gotta hand it to ‘em, these are nice colours. But some pics are blurry due to the stupid freakishly strong wind which UK is always 'feymes' for...sigh...I used an extremly high shutter speed (1/800) to catch it. Enough said, look at the 'another way' pictures. I'll post a real picture test after i got my adapter.

The method used to take most of these pics is the reverse-mount method. How do you reverse-mount? Ideally, you need to have two lens of any type. Mount one in the way how you normally mount a lens and the other attached to it in reverse. Try to look it up on google. These pics are still noob-ish so I need more work…hehe…

So what do you think?

All these are taken with this lens too...


Monday, 20 April 2009

AirAsia X KL-London

I bet everybody have been wondering what's it like to fly AirAsia x for a whole 13hours...well here's your answer. A review from two very established travel sites tried out airasia x and they found it pleasing but of course there are certain downsides. read on. and has a video of an empty plane which gives a good overview of how's its like on the inside which worries everybody.

'So did it feel like a budget flight? No. There was none of that cloying claustrophobia that can leave you gasping for air on a bad short-haul. Even after 13 hours in a relatively crowded part of the plane, I felt pretty relaxed.'

'The legroom is not just OK, it feels rather generous.'

'we were told that there was no in-flight entertainment because the batteries had not been charged before the flight.'

'it’s probably the best plane food we have ever had.'

Funny advert

Here's a 'latex' advert from most, if not everybody's, favorite company.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

KS20 updates!!!!

Look here for updates:

WM6.5 for KS20!!! YAY!!!


Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Man Utd vs FC Porto

Here's the replay of C. Ronaldo's 40 yard kick (actually its just shy of 40)...he reli is a great player!!!


'The Splitview display offers up one view to the driver (like a map), while the passenger sees a completely different image (like a movie, or a picture of somebody looking at a map).'

quoted from

Here a video (around 1.20 minutes) to show it working with views of the S-class itself...

Cool eh??

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Flatly or is it Fatty???

in case some of u missed it...this video is sort of like a parody to Michael Flatly, the guy who made Riverdance (u know..the irish tapping show on broadway). It freaking hilarious!!! CLick on the picture to view.

You use the links to other vids...some are great i must say...and some were...ermm...XXX...

Notts Trip

I’m loving the weather lately…bright and sunny, cool ‘breeze’, nice cooling rain at the right time…hopefully it’ll stay this way…enjoy the photos (some photos went out of focus due to my AF going haywire that day) from my nottingham trip!

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Macheda. The new Solskjaer?

Macheda saved Man Utd not once but twice in a row. He a new born hero and i reckon the new Ole Gunner Solskjaer or maybe Teddy Sheringham!!!

He's fantastic isn't he?

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Super COOL!!!

Here are some super cool videos to keep u guys entertained...

the baby rocks!!!!

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

MaMa kills animals

I once owned a Nintendo DS and one of my favourite games on it besides Mario Kart DS is Cooking adrenaline rushing and exciting. Here's a flash version of it that u can play on your PC. U can download it or embed it on your site/blog.

Play the full size version on

Having fun??? I did...Muahahahaha

"real" website value estimator

$timator estimate the true monetary value of your website. Simply enter a URL, and $timator goes to work, analyzing things like search engine placings, back-links, and site structure to come up with an ultimate USD value. Here's mine!!!

I think its ridiculous. With only 78 posts so far on my blog and it cost that much?!?! Either way, if my blog were for sale, can you imagine the party i could throw if i sold it based on $timator's valuation? You're all invited...hehe


This must be extremely fun!!!! Graffiti on your TV!!! seen here on engadget

WiiSpray Teaser from Martin Lihs on Vimeo.

Geforce GTX 295

Hmmm...what do you think if they are 23 of GTX295 in a single PC? i think its 'HELL YEAH!!!!!!!' it was done by a YouTube user, ByGamerForGamer. While only 17 were installed at the time of this video (he's waiting for a few nuts and bolts before installing the others), I'm already amazed!!! According to the prices by Overclockers UK, each is 23 makes it...GBP10350!!!

see it for urself in the video below...

satisfied?? not me, i wanna see some benchies!!!

Cute Mercedes Advert

in other words, drive a benz to stay safe...LOL

Monday, 6 April 2009

Birthday BBQ

Here are the pictures from the BBQ and Steamboat session during my belated birthday. It was delicious and fun!!!!

Thursday, 2 April 2009

iskp that isht

That's exactly what the handy Firefox plugin is designed to do. Once installed, Skipscreen will bypass those annoying intermediate pages you encounter when trying to download files from a site like Mediafire, RapidShare, zShare, or Megaupload. Other sites currently supported include DespoitFiles, Divshare, and LinkBucks, and more are on the way.

As stated on the SkipScreen site, the plugin has "extra dreamy" features for Mediafire (and three others). Click a link to a file hosted on one of those sites, and SkipScreen will take care of things on its own - all you have to click on is the save file dialog box once it appears.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Turn your iPod Touch into iPhone!!!!!

the website I Want One of Those (which is a fantastic gadget site!!!!) is selling a fantastic piece of hardware. It turns your iPod Touch into an iPhone!!!! What more could you ask for??? It cost only GBP43.47!!!! I comes with a 5Mpx camera with an additional miniSD slot. Its a BARGAIN!!!!





did i tell you it was an April Fool prank??? i didn't??? but i was sure...maybe not ;p

Best PiC!!!

I love this!!!!!!!

Important Notice!!!

Dearest blog readers,

After weeks of careful consideration, I am very happy to announce that I would be moving permanently to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil right after my graduation to further pursue my career in April.

I am sure most of you would think that only fools think that way but I am firm with this decision of mine and will not regret. Thank you for everybody who have read and supported my blog ever since it was started last year. I will still (of course) continue writing this blog for years to come. Thank you again.

Yours Sincerely,

Tuesday, 31 March 2009


This site has a few but extremely FUN minigames. The games are addictive. The one u see above is a huge compilation of all their games. You get ranked with players all over the world too!!!

Anyway, care to join me???