Sunday 7 December 2008

Snow...Its been snowing...

its been snowing here in Sunderland and its only early DECEMBER!!!! i dunno if its good news o bad news for sum ppl out thr but its both good and bad for me...its was snowing so heavily tat i'm can't get out the house because its slippery and wet. I see cars skidding on the road while braking and unable to accelerate due to the snow...hahahaha...

its the heaviest snow since i first step in the UK...well, not the heaviest cos I spent 2 xmas in Aberdeen and the snow thr is ridiculous...real thick 1 feet worth of lovely snow...tats wat i call snow...its a blizzard almost i r sum pics i took in Sunderland.

the day before:

the day during:

the day after:

hahahaha...jk jk...its not this hot...well...u can feel the warmth jus by looking at the'll look at this as often as i can...hahaha...


J. J. said...


Unknown said...

very cantik meh? hahahaha