Above you can find my pictures from my summer in Sibu and Sarikei. No, neither of them are my hometown nor where i was raised but it is where i spent my school and chinese new year holidays when i was a child with my family. It was only a short trip of 4 days and 3 nights but it was a ‘all-in-one’ holiday…i even got to ride an express!! i believe the last time i rode was when i was 11 or 12 yrs old…i think. i get to see my cousin whom i haven’t seen in 10 yrs or more…eat and drink everything i can think of…except for ONE…just tat ONE stupid glass bottled drink i forgot to drink…sigh…its only found in sibu, bintangor and sarikei traditionally…so…tats tat…let bygones be bygones i suppose…god damnnit!! i’ll get u next time stupid drink!
Any way, enjoy the pics…i shud hav taken more but theres always next time…sorry for random pics…i was bored, can’t help it…LOL.